Mama and Papa dh survey hospital utk deliver baby... so far ade dua option. 1st choice is Subang Jaya Medical Centre n d other one shah alam medical centre.mama n papa g survey package....but both hospital are providing good services .Actually it doesn't matter how much it cost..... the most important thing mama n baby selamat.
SJMC package (normal birth) = RM 3,500++ not including additional service
(ceasarian) = RM 8,500++
SMC package (normal birth) = RM 2,299 including add service (epidural rm 500)
(ceasarian) = Rm 6,500
Mama tok consult mama to deliver baby@ SJMC coz dekat n senang bole g anytime while SMC agak jauh (tp xdela jauh sgt....15 minutes from mama tok house je).BIla dh pk masak2 we agreed to deliver baby seem dat papa have to work hard lg la nk cr duit untuk kita....
Last nite mama n papa g jumpa Dr Delaila at her clinic.She was nice n cool.Atfirst mama mcm bengang je coz almost 1 hour tunggu doc tp bila jumpa doc semua kemarahan hilang.
Masa doc panggil mama masuk tgn mama dh start sejuk.Papa was holding my hand and temankan mama masuk jumpa doc.So kitaorg pun beramah mesra dgn Dr Delaila.
"Ok Puan Taqiyyah...when is ur last period?"
"on 19 July doc"
"ok...congratulation to both of u will deliver on 26 april 2010 ye..... " Mama tgk papa yg tgh senyum sorang2....n wat muka kt mama...
" we want to c ur little baby"......GuLP.....
Mama btl2 blur?nk tgk baby?cmana ek....?
Doc bawak mama g bilik check up while papa kt luar tgh tgk scanner screen.
"ok now we have to make sure that ur baby is inside ur rahim......ok...nice......ur rahim have no tumor or ketumbuhan. so ur baby is just 5 weeks. If tgk ur last period should be 8 weeks tp u dh period 1 week so ur baby is aroun d 5 weeks." Ahhh...mama lega sgt bila doc ckp mcm tu.
"now we r going to have a look at ur baby....can u see dat little dot...?ok dat is ur baby ya.....En faiz, u nampak x dkt screen dot tu...?" Papa sgt blur dia asyik tanya yg mana doc?
"ok i print dulu ur baby ni nanti tgkla puas2 kt umah....another 2 weeks dtg cni so we can hear the heart beat"....OMG......anak mama dh ade jantung...masa tu nk menitik air mata mama. Doc adviced mama jgn angkat brg more than 4 kg coz baby x kuat lg....
Papa tanya doc mama bole travel jauh x?Doc kata bole tp mama kena pakai mask all the time n byk kan jln dlm flight takut kaki kejang.So the plan to visit pak lang kt manchaster is on....
Doc adviced me to continue amik asid folic coz it really help to make the rahim stronger and minum susu and air suam byk2...kalau bole jgn puasa dulu coz baby still kecik.
Mama will take care of u dear........
ReplyDeleteche teh nak BABY GIRL
yayy~tambah baby lagi
bagi rumah bising..HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
ok....if che teh willing to jaga the babies....beranak twins pun xkisah...hehehehehe