Thursday, April 22, 2010
LuV fRom Mama
mama dh on leave since monday....sgt tidak sabar utk menyambut kedatanganmu
namun hari demi hari baby masih belum menunjukkan tanda2 utk berjumpa mama n papa
ada kala hati mama sgt berdebar.... adakala terasa sgt rindu pada mu baby
mama tahu baby pun tidak sabar nak jumpa mama dan papa
namun kita harus bersabar syg kerana Tuhan telah menetukan segalanya
Tuhan lebih mengetahui bila masa yang sesuai untuk ketemukan kita
mama syg baby n papa
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Baby Names
Whether the newborn is a girl or boy it is a gift and blessing from Allah. This is clearly described in the Holy Quran in the following verses: Whoever He wishes rewards with girls and whoever He wishes rewards with boys. (Quran, 26:49) God has sovereignty over the heavens and the earth. He creates what He will. He gives daughters to whom He will and sons to whom He pleases. To some He gives both, sons and daughters, and He makes sterile whom He will. Omniscient is God, and Mighty. (Quran, 42:49-50) Muslim Baby NamesMuslim Baby Names have very special meaning and significance. Choosing the right Muslim Baby Names for a new born is a matter of great excitement as well as challenge to Muslim parents. The tendency of giving fancy and rare Muslim Baby Names is much more common among Muslims living in English-speaking countries where there is a great scarcity of books on Muslim Baby Names in English. These so called fancy muslim baby names, when translated are sometimes meaningless and quite offensive! The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has given several instructions and urged Muslim parents to call their children with good names. The current practice used in the naming of children among Muslim families is not easily reconciled with the teachings of Islam. |
Friday, April 9, 2010
liLttLE BabY is CoMinG oUT so Soon

Semalam genap usia baby dlm womb mama selama 9 bulan....mama is very nervous rite know maklumlah 1st time nk sambut kehadiran permata hati...
rite now mcm2 dlm fikiran mama ni....cmana rupa baby nanti..ikut mama ke ikut papa....mata baby colour ape...rambut straight ke ikal....nakal ke tak bila dh membesar nanti...nanti besar keje ape...hingga ke tahap itu mama berimaginasi...
Ada ketika mama berimaginasi saat2 kelahiran baby...sakit ke x...deliver normal ke ceasar.....mampu ke mama n baby survive menjalani kehidupan dunia..nauzubillah...harap2 mama n baby selamat keduanya dan kita bahagia as one family.....semoga Tuhan memanjangkan umur kita syg...InsyAllah....
Mlm2 before tidur mama akan usap2 and bercakap-cakap ngan baby...mama harap baby dengar luahan hati n harapan mama terhadap baby.....jadilah insan berguna di dunia agar mendapat kesenangan dan keberkatan di akhirat kelak...
Next week papa akan balik n stay ngan kita sampai baby keluar...mama hoping dat baby dpt keluar awal....mama n papa dh tak sabar sgt nk jumpa baby....segala persediaan nk sambut baby mama dh siapkan...weekend ni nk wat last preparation nk beli babynyer diapers n breast pump for mama...
papa n mama luv u.........Ameer Farouqe